Monday, 1 June 2009

Struwwel-Peter is everywhere

During our visit to one of the villages in Switzerland and strolling the dog, I came across a Ladies Hairdressing salon called STRUWWELPETER . At the very top of the wall is a large metal figure of the bad boy himself - - Note his unruly hair and long fingernails - - a very appropiate name for a Ladies Hairdresser.
The story of Struwwel-Peter (Shaggy Peter) is just over 150 years old and it was originally written in German and later translated into several languages.

The storybook describes a boy who does not groom himself, by not combing his hair or cutting his nails.

The story of the cruel Frederick - a violent boy who terrorizes animals and people.

The dreadful story of Pauline and the matches - a girl plays with matches and burns to death.

The story of Suck-a-thumb - a boy who continuously sucked his tumb, until a roving tailor comes along and cuts off his tumb with a giant scissors.

The contents and illustrated pictures of this "Educational" book for children is enough to give any small child a night filled with bad dreams instead of sweet dreams !

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