Monday, 31 January 2011

Why am I feeling the cold so badly, could it be my progressing age or is there another strange reason for this?
I distinctly remember when we had to dig and showel the snow away from a number of cars (a handful of years ago) to find ours that was parked right outside the building - - and may I add, we had freezing cold temperatures of 18deg below 0.
Then why oh why was I so impressed with the lovely white stuff and didn't freeze the fur off my hind tail?

Thank goodness it aint 82 days, but 62 days to go 'til we can feel the warm sunrays on our moaning bones until Spring time at this end of our planet earth.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Hallo Blogggerland, Bye Bye Facebook

I have tried my hand at Facebook for almost two years, but last nite I decide - -
enough is enough.
I tried to delet my Fb account, but the darn thing kept showing up like a bad penny.
I stayed up and awake until 13.58 this morning to delete all my posts.
What a mission!
A friend told me what to do to reactivate the account - - yet FB was hard in taking
no for an answer.
Anyways, I managed to delete all my posts and effort I have made since joining FB
for the last 2 years.
My eyes are burning and I'm doggy tired due to lack of sleep, but now that I have
seperated myself from FB and will have much more time for more important things.
So before I fall asleep here, I will brew myself a strong cuppa coffee.
See ya all in bloggyland again - - - !


I'm hanging my head in shame for being so slack in blogging.
My intention was to start blogging again after a long absence, but life seems
to get in the way!

The time has come for me to wake up, shape up and do the things I really enjoy.
I have missed blogging, yes, even started Facebook-ing, I thought it was easier and quicker, but what the heck - - one cannot express yourself as on the blog.

I will try my very best to post more often - - I guess it's like typing, once in the
swing, all goes swift and quickly - but leave the typewriter for a number of months
and the poor fingers go slack and slowly across the keyboard.

OK, so I've oiled my typewriter and my fingers...!
I am ready to let the good times/posts roll.

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