Thursday, 27 January 2011

Hallo Blogggerland, Bye Bye Facebook

I have tried my hand at Facebook for almost two years, but last nite I decide - -
enough is enough.
I tried to delet my Fb account, but the darn thing kept showing up like a bad penny.
I stayed up and awake until 13.58 this morning to delete all my posts.
What a mission!
A friend told me what to do to reactivate the account - - yet FB was hard in taking
no for an answer.
Anyways, I managed to delete all my posts and effort I have made since joining FB
for the last 2 years.
My eyes are burning and I'm doggy tired due to lack of sleep, but now that I have
seperated myself from FB and will have much more time for more important things.
So before I fall asleep here, I will brew myself a strong cuppa coffee.
See ya all in bloggyland again - - - !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL who Hates Facebook?
WE hate Facebook!
May it's designers earholes turn into
****holes and crap all over his shoulders.

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